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This is an app for iphone and android.

To quote the developers:

The premise is:  We’ve all been to a course or two now, right?  You’ve seen a lecture on how to do these things.  But right before you go in a room to do it, wouldn’t it be nice to see it demonstrated one more time.  I mean not many of us have an “ultrasound director” with us scanning every shift.

The goal is: to teleport ourselves to the bedside with you via your smartphone.  We’ve taken the ultrasound procedures and tried to cram a demo of each one with simultaneous video of hand placement, normal images, and pathology all into one minute each.  It’s something you can take a look at right before going into a patient’s room, or I’ve been using it to teach med students or residents.  It’s great to show them quickly how to do it right before scanning something for the first time.

It can take care of the “see one” part of “see one, do one, teach one” and really speed up education as it’s even got pathology pics, which you usually don’t get with your first “see one“.

We say:  In reality this app really does live up to its claims. In one minute an overview is given on how to conduct a particular scan and the instructions are accompanied by both a video of the scan in action and a small screen inset of the ultrasound images as the scan progresses. All in all a truly handy app!

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